A Political Persuasion Litmus Test

The Premise  : 

Some people use how they feel about an issue to determine how they think about an issue. Some people use their thoughts about an issue to determine how they feel about an issue. 

Test questions:

...Is there any difference between the two ideas presented in the premise? 
1) yes...they describe opposite ideas 
2) no...they describe the same ideas
...Do you disagree with either part of the premise? 
1) yes...the first part 
2) yes...the second part 
3) yes...both parts 
4) no...agree with both parts 

...Does either part of the premise offend you? 
1) yes 
2) no 

...The premise is unfair. 
1) yes 
2) no
...All the above are trick questions 
1) yes 
2) no 
3) maybe 

Additional test questions:

...The end justifies the means.
1) True
2)  False

...Are the following two statements idealogical generalizations or disturbing ideas?

1) To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities
2) It's not fair that some have so much while others have so little.

The Premise II...extra credit 

We educate our children because... 
Fill in the blank -- True or false

_____ a. To encourage each individual to develop their inherent ability of “how to think” which enables someone to decide “what to think”. It's called reasoning.
_____ b. Although both parts of the statement above can be important to the process of learning, teaching the “how” part first allows the “what” part to follow.
_____ c. Some people lean more towards thinking about how they feel about an issue, while others are more inclined to have their feelings determine what they think about an issue.

The best way to end an argument...
Fill in the blank --  Because I'm ______ and I say so.
a. the mommy
b. an expert
c. smarter than you

This is just a just test that can help to identify some of the divergences in human consciousness. There are no absolute correct or incorrect answers to the questions in this test. Opinions might be or might not be formed based on the ideas stated in the premises above...but as the smartest woman in the world has stated: 
[...at this point, what difference does it make?...]