Special Citizen Status or Special Citizen Scam or whatever you want to call it
SCS's benefits have innocuously grown over the years to the point where it is now considered a natural part of the compensation due politicians who “serve” the general population. It has become a Right reserved for the few.
- Taxpayer paid transportation
There is little distinction between official business and personal business
- Taxpayer paid communication
Supposedly to keep constituents informed of what SCS politicians are doing
- Tax free income for funding their re-election campaigns
Receiving tax exempt funds from PACs, lobbyists and special interest groups
- Taxpayer paid health-care exemptions
The short list above is but a few of the things that our Congress (Representatives & Senators) created then voted into law for their personal benefit. They receive these things on top of the generous salaries that are provided to them by taxpayers.
Politics is the business of Hypocrisy.